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Here is a quick check list of requirements before you can move forward with creating a website.

  1. A high resolution logo.
    Your logo is the first thing that a prospect will see. It’s important that you have a good quality logo.
  2. Some information about your company
    This section is all about WHY prospects should choose you. Remember, the more you educate your clients, the more likely they are to choose you and their preferred service provider.

    1. Your Vision
      Your vision is all about what you want to achieve in the future. If you educate your customer to your vision they are far more likely to choose you.
    2. Your Mission
      Your mission explains what you are doing now and how you plan to achieve your vision.
    3. Your USP
      Your USP is your unique selling proposition. What makes you difference from other companies offering a similar service or product?
  3. Some information about your service offering or available products.
    It is important to educate your clients as to why they should use you. The more information you give about each product and service. The more power you give the user to make an informed decision. It’s also a good idea to include some details about your process, How you communicate with your clients, turn around times, warranties, etc.
  4. Good Quality Images
    The more the better. We recommend at least 5 images on any website. Pictures are a great way to add value to your website. If you sell products, a picture of each product will help to your customers visualize the products and encourage them to buy it. If you offer a service, pictures of the service being rendered go a far way to show the customer what they can expect.
  5. Customer Testimonials / Brands that you have works with.
    There is no better way to seal a sale but showing a customer proof that other people who have made use of your service are happy. If you have worked with companies, it adds great value to include their logos on your website.
  6. Accreditations / Certifications
    If you have any certificates such as a BEE certificate, or any other certificates these should be included. If you are in an industry that required any accreditations it is important that you include these.
  7. Other Special Links
    Do you have any social pages, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Are you affiliated with any other companies, Do you have any partnerships? It is important to include references to these.
  8. Contact Details
    The more options you give to your prospects, the more likely they are to contact you.

    1. Email Address
    2. Landline numbers
    3. Cell Numbers
    4. Fax Numbers
    5. Physical Address
    6. Postal Address
  9. Your budget
    A website is not a product, it is a custom service. There is no fixed price. So try to create a realistic budget according to how much you are willing to invest in this project, and remember – as with all things, you get what you pay for.
  10. Your Timeline
    How soon do you need the website? Remember – Rome wasn’t built in day. So if you need something urgently you may need to compromise on the scale.